Tuesday, February 8, 2011

What does the diffusion of innovations model tell us? Can we use this model of change in our organisations?

What does the diffusion of innovations model tell us?

Diffusion is defined as the process by which an innovation is adopted and gains acceptance by members of a certain community. A number of factors interact to influence the diffusion of an innovation, and the major factors are the innovation itself, how information about the innovation is communicated, time, and the nature of the social system into which the innovation is being introduced (Rogers, 1995). The diffusion of innovation model has significant impact on many disciplines, such as agriculture, marketing and instructional technology. It can help instructional technologists to explain, predict and account for the factors facilitating or impeding the utilization of a new technology. The more thorough understanding on the innovation process and theories, the more likely for an instructional technologist to prepare better and work more effectively with clients and potential adopters (Schiffman, 1991).

Can we use this model of change in our organisations? Consider implications and identify a model of change to help explain change within an organisation you have experienced.

This model of change can illustrate the most common or general pattern of change in most organisations, though there may still have some exceptions. Generally speaking, I consider that it can apply to my organization, a major role of which is to encourage schools to use the information system for handling school administrative matters. The model makes us more aware of the process of change, and better prepared for working with the innovators, early adopters, early majority, late majority, late adopters and laggards in schools more effectively.

We should always bear in mind that any change in an organization involves people, and the attempt to change people’s mindset is much more difficult than technical changes. However, we still have to be aware that technical changes may work well only when people make them well. So, we need to identify the opinion leader and change agent in the organization, say the principal and teacher(s) who supported more extensive use of information management tools in school administration. We tend to adopt the approach of training the leaders and trainers, aiming that they can promote the practices in their schools, as well as share them with other schools.

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