Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Reflection on Fullan’s framework

I tried to investigate the case by applying the Fullan 2001’s framework for leadership, The case of leading change in this case

1.      Moral purpose:  I believed that as a successful leader, Fullan (2002) suggested hat s "acting with the intention of making a positive difference in the (social) environment."Motivation may be a fundermental factor to achieve success in the change of an organization.In this case, the new principal Mr.C had strong willing to initiate the change, as he would like to improve the student intake rate, he had an intention of making a postive difference in the secondary school

2.      Understanding the change:  A succeessful leader should understand what kind of impacts or potential challenge brought from the initiaion and the process of changing. As people usually have a sense of inertia and resist to change, interestingly, it happens in the experienced staff in an organization as they believe their way is the best way to tackle any problem already. In the casem Mr.C has a strong willing to change the culture of the school . However, as the school has a relatively long history and led by the former principal for about twenty years, the school was tied with strong and long established culture.  It can be expected that Mr C, being a newcomer to the school, needs to put much extra effort if he wants to make some changes to the school culture.  Some of the teachers tended to be quite reluctant to any change. How Mr. C deal with the experienced staff and promote change here is a critical concern in the process of the change.

3.      Building good relationship : Fullan also mentioned about the importance of building a good relationship between leadsers and staffs so that the change can be promoted slowly, which repsonse the problems mention in the 2nd point. As a succeessful leader, Mr C needs to promote an atmosphere of woring collboratively in order to let the staffs accept and support the change and at the same time to let them express their concern or worries. That’s also the reason why Fullan suggest the leader needs to cultivate a good emotional intelligence to deal with staffs in a friendly way.

4.      Knowledge building and sharing: Fullan suggest that the leaders needs to generate and incrresing knowledge inside and outside organization. The approach is constructivist approach as ideally contribution from every party member in an organization is a good approach to foster the chage. I think that it is also closely related to the point of “building good relationship” without a good relationship among colleagues and a good environment for promoting the atmosphere of sharing, knowledge could be hardly constructed in the organization and that’s quite crucial for Mr.C to promote his policy in the changing process.

5.      Coherence Making: understand and accepting diversity among people, try to assign the most suitable person to do their job will have a better result.

   Fullan, M. (2002, May). Principals as Leaders in a Culture of Change. Educational Leadership .

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